I have to admit, I have been stressed and occupied. I have not stopped going and going and going for months. Between being concerned and trying to be there for a husband who has been recovering from surgery to four solid months of working almost every single day due to being understaffed, to trying to keep up with my online course work to launching a new book and trying to market it with leftover time from everything else, I needed a serious break. And I took one. I got away for a short three days to rest.
Rest. Rest is vital for the body, spirit, and soul. It’s essential for our physical health in many ways. It promotes a healthier immune system and better metabolism. And it reduces stress. When the body is deprived of adequate rest, it is unable to rebuild and recharge itself. Rest increases our energy and we become more productive. Can we take a momentary break from all of our activities, responsibilities, and demands? Our bodies require rest.
And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. – Mark 6:31
Rest is vital for better mental health. It increases concentration and memory, and again, it reduces stress. And rest provides our minds an opportunity to refocus and rejuvenate. Sometimes it is necessary to mentally let go of unfinished tasks. Leonardo da’ Vinci once said, “Every now and then go away, have a little relaxation, for when you come back to your work your judgment will be surer. Go some distance away because then the work appears smaller and more of it can be taken in at a glance and a lack of harmony and proportion is more readily seen.” That’s good advice! Raise your hand if you hesitate to take a break for fear of losing momentum. A raised hand, here! I’m afraid I have been juggling so many things recently that I haven’t done any of those things as effectively as I could have. I decided that I had better rest. Our minds require rest.
“He that can take rest is greater than he that can take cities.” — Benjamin Franklin
Rest is vital for our spirit and soul. Gary and I exhaled as we pulled out of our driveway and got on the road for our three-hour trip. We laughed. We listened to worship music and turned the volume up louder than our racing thoughts and life concerns. We prayed out loud, spoke blessings over each other, and broke curses. We made fresh declarations before the Lord and enjoyed His uninterrupted fellowship. We had no agenda whatsoever for these much-needed days. And that all by itself felt great.
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. - Matthew 11:28-30
For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish. – Jeremiah 31:25 ESV
Truly my soul finds rest in God. – Psalm 62:1a NIV
Do you need to be refreshed and replenished? Take a break. Rest. Your total being is depending on it.
Jennifer Rash
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